Deep Conversations Podcast

Danny Joe Rose-Segment 2

Real, Meaningful Conversations From The Real World
We continue the conversation as Danny Joe talks about his life journey and what inspired him to become an artist and about early experiences that have informed his artwork over the years. We then hear from him about a trip to Indonesia to teach art and design and about how it changed his life in so many ways. He talks about how he found himself there through his experiences in fully immersing himself in the people and in the culture despite the difficulties in communicating verbally with people there due to language differences. He reflects on how his artistic practice grew there with a deepening of his self-reflection while doing his work and on how he enjoyed the process of just making things for the sake of making them and not worrying about the outcome or what he would do with the finished pieces. As we continue to discuss these experiences and how they have affected him, we hear from him about how the language barriers allowed him to relate to others on a different level. He also shares about how he really enjoyed the personal growth that came from being open to connecting with people despite the fear and discomfort with the challenges in communicating with them verbally. We wrap up this segment talking with him about how all of his artwork is inspired and affected by all of the places that he has been and all that he has experienced. He then shares his thoughts about how works of art, even if they are abstract ones, bring what is experienced in the mind into the physical realm and how the unconscious mind influences works of art in such a powerful way. Danny's Bio- Danny Rose received his BFA from the Art Institute of Dallas in 2012. Between 2014 and 2015, Rose lived in Indonesia, teaching art and design at the Chandra Kusuma International School. Rose's work has been included at The Beeville Art Museum, Oliver Francis Gallery, The Lexington Art League and others. His solo show “The Sun Shines Blue” opened at Galleri Urbane in the summer of 2016, followed by his show “Majic Eyes,” which opened in Jan 2017 at The Eisemann Center for Performing Arts. In January 2017 He was an artist-in-residence at The Guapamacátaro Center for Art and Ecology and most recently an artist-in-residence at Artspace Untitled. Beginning in January 2018 he will be a visiting professor and artist-in-residence at Oklahoma City University. View Danny Joe's Website at View information about his upcoming exhibition, Strange Tide, at [Artspace] at Untitled at